Taking the snowy town

Taking a snowy town

Statistics of traffic accidents shows: most accidents happen in the cold. Of course, to completely avoid the risk to have an accident, you need all winter to ride solely on the subway. However, significantly reduce the probability that an accident can be properly choosing winter tires

Despite the relatively mild autumn, it is impossible not to notice that the car's behavior has changed. This is because the summer tires at low temperatures lose their grip. The same happens with a cold asphalt, much less "clingy" than warm. In general, it is time to change tires.

Traditional dilemma - what to take winter tires: with or without spines. Disputes about which one is better, lasts for more than thirty years, and end-edge in sight, because each type of tire is as undeniable pluses and minuses.

With spikes

The biggest advantage of studded tires is that the winter road, covered with a crust of ice or snow groomed, they shorten the stopping distance, improve the manageability, allows the car accelerates faster due to less slippage of driving wheels. It would seem that this debate can and finish, giving the palm to this type of tire. But all is not as easy as it seems at first glance: the decision depends on operating conditions.

All the advantages of studded tire manifest themselves in the ice, but the road is thawed, how things have changed. For example, if the nominal driving in the city at a temperature close to plus 10-12 degrees, just a half-hour ground spike can warm up to 100 ° C.

This will entail a violation of the hole structure, which is set spike, and the lid in this position may be destroyed. Loss of a pin in this case is almost inevitable. In addition, under such conditions the stopping distance of studded tires is increasing dramatically.

There are a few more features. After the first installation of studded tires needs a little running, so that all spikes definitely took the right position, "prikatalis. During this period (of the order of several hundred kilometers) is not recommended to jam on the brakes and acceleration.

Second, these tires are more demanding to the fall of internal pressure: riding with studded tires poluspuschennymi significantly increases the risk of loss of spines. In addition, they are noisier, less speed and in addition not only expensive non-studded counterparts, but also destroy the asphalt (which is why in the big cities each fall are on the verge of a ban).


Producers non-studded tires are trying to achieve similar spiked grip using different technological methods. In the course of going and special and differential composition of rubber, and the use of special sipes (grooves in the tread, which serve to enhance the effect of "sticking" winter tires), and continual improvement of the shape and tread pattern. All this allows us to make this type of tire more speed, quiet and sturdy.

In addition, they are more versatile and can be used in a wide range of weather conditions. And yet, to ice the effectiveness of these tires is hardly compares with studded counterparts.

What do you choose?

If during the winter you will frequent-town trips to the icy slopes, and sometimes field trips on back roads with their groomed snow, you certainly can not do without studded tires. Even if these trips would not be very many, the choice is justified.

To those who ride mainly on processed reagents city streets, it makes sense to look to non-studded tires. To drive through the mud, in which chemicals are converted ice and snow, they are more comfortable and safer.

If you choose non-studded tires worth paying attention to the tread. It is symmetrical or asymmetrical - the center of the tire. The latter type allows you to combine in one bus a few characteristics, but these wheels are more expensive. In addition, the image can be V-shaped (like the protector is formed from converging toward the center of the Latin letters «V») and S-shaped (replete with multi-directional tread segments in the form of ribbed cubes or, less commonly, the letter «S»).

Tires with V-shaped tread pattern, better discharge of liquid from the contact point and provide a comfortable ride and low noise. They should choose, if you move to abyss, the roads with melted snow and plenty of water. If the same street on which you normally drive, for the most part covered with a thick layer of snow, it is better to use a coarser pattern: he though more noisy, but better to cling to the road.

Sort out the weather conditions, we can also think about price. The producers with the biggest names in the properties of the same type of tires are almost identical. Differences in management can be felt only in extreme driving - so to speak, on the brink. " But if your problem does not include the development of rally routes in the Far North, or attempt to set a new speed record, you will most likely, these differences did not feel it. So choose those that are cheaper.